q+a: madeline bohrer

Tchotchke Gallery: Does your practice differ when in the Berkshires vs. when in NYC?

Madeline Bohrer: I moved my painting studio to the Berkshires in 2020. My practice always changes when my surrounding changes because I love to incorporate my surroundings. I am now surrounded by lakes and nature and I am really enjoying painting more landscapes!

TG: How do you navigate notions around intimacy in your paintings?

MB: When I paint intimacy, I like to paint the subject naturally with proportions and body hair. But in many paintings I use bright colors that make the intimate scenes unrealistic.

TG: Where is your most peaceful and zen place?

MB: Painting by a lake.

TG: What does your ideal summer look like?

MB: Wearing summer dresses, eating soft serve ice-cream and swimming.

TG: If you could only paint one subject matter until the end of time, what would it be?

MB: Anything that makes me paint outdoors. I love sitting outside and painting.


visual diary: madeline bohrer, 35mm


visual diary: abbode x rachael tarravechia pop-up, 35mm