q+a: dustin brown

Tchotchke Gallery: Are there any particular paintings in this exhibition that will be hard to part with? Why? 

Dustin Brown: Absent for sure. It was the first painting I did for the show and was probably the most emotional for me.

TG: What are the top 5 songs on your painting playlist? 

DB: It would be impossible for me to pick 5 top songs. I usually just shuffle an artist. Top 5 artist are Current Joys, Gap Girls, New Order, Molly Nillson, and Chromatics

TG: Best place to visit when you need a studio break. 

DB: Eastland, the DIY skatepark in Charlotte. 

TG: Best studio drink? 

DB: Coffee always

TG: How did you get into art? 

DB: I used to get tattoo magazines as a kid. That inspired me to start drawing. When I was in ninth grade, I met someone who owned a gallery/studio space. I’m not even sure if I would have started painting had I not met him or the other artist that hung around.


visual diary: dustin brown, 35mm


visual diary: josiah ellner, 35mm